Tuesday, October 28, 2014


So here's my entry for challenge number 191 from the Diva's weekly challenges.
I don't know why this challenge made me think of the Fibonacci sequence and the golden rectangle. I guess betweed kind of reminds me of the top of a conch. 

I have a massive obsession with the Fibonacci sequence. While I'm not the best at math and have entirely given up on remembering numbers (phone, codes, any kind of sequence...), the Fibonacci sequence is truly intriguing. If you don't know it,
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on.
Basically the first two numbers add up to the next number. It's know in the math world as the Greek letter phi, Φ, or the ratio 1.618.
It's used in art, found in nature and proves that Johnny Depp is hot.
Somehow, our eyes are naturally drawn to objects, people, whatever, that most closely follow this ratio. It is the best way for plant leaves to grow in order for them to get the maximum amount of sunlight. It's the best way for sunflower seeds to grow to pack the most of them into that area as possible. It has been used by many of the greatest artists. 

Our bodies follow the principle

It's, in a nutshell, super cool.


  1. Welcome here! Your tile is very well done, I like the contrast a lot. Hope to see you here again.

  2. Love the intense shading on this tile! Beautiful!

  3. Thanks guys! I appreciate it! It was pretty exciting to have my first one up on Diva's website. 😊

  4. I love your Betweed composition!

  5. Great betweed and amazing shading! True, the Fibonacci sequence is really intriguing, mostly because it's so present in nature.

  6. Your Betweed tile is wonderful. Just off to check out the Fibonacci sequence. Although recently I bought a Golden Mean tool which fascinates me.

  7. Bold shading on this. Really makes things stand out.
